Volume 1, Issue 7: A Solvable Problem: Buying or Not Alonzo Church’s Collected Works

A Decidable Problem: Buying or Not Alonzo Church’s Collected Works The Collected Works of Alonzo Church . Edited by Tyler Burge and Herbert Enderton. Cambridge, MA., London: The MIT Press, 2019, pp. xxxvi + 1189. Hardcover ISBN 978-0-262-02564-5. $135. Parceling up the intellectual history of western science into diverse and well-defined fields is not a new thing at all. Nonetheless, the studies in recent years about philosophy and science show an even more stratified picture of the historical dimension of knowledge production. Among philosophers, special attention has been given to philosophy of science, theory of knowledge, and to some extend to the philosophy of language. Even though the history of logic has its own journal ( History and Philosophy of Logic ), its own handbook series (under the general editorship of Dov M. Gabbay), if you ask someone about the subject , she will tell you only a few things. Perhaps something about Got...