Volume 2, Issue 3: Naturalist Grist for the Philosophically Inclined Historians Mill

Naturalist Grist for the Philosophically Inclined Historians Mill: Paul Roth on Narrative Explanations and Their Mysterious Structure Paul Roth: The Philosophical Structure of Historical Explanation . Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2020. xvii + 192 pages. $99.95. Paperback ISBN 9780810140882. DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvt1sg91 Fashions come and go; intellectual trends are no exception; neither is the rational undertaking of so-called analytic philosophy. Although during its more than one hundred years of past, many different subjects and fields were discussed, if one were to concentrate on or name the most characteristic topics, then philosophy of language and philosophy of science were to be nominated with relative ease and security. But “philosophy of language” and “philosophy of science” are big and complex subjects, and especially the latter witnessed various trends and patterns after it was brought into the scholarly attention of many by th...