Previous reviews

For previews reviews, please see the list below. If you would like to read any of them, either visit the webpage of the publishers, or write an email to me!

[2019a]“Review of Christian Damböck’s Deutscher Empirismus Studien zur Philosophie im deutschsprachigen Raum 1830–1930.” Archive für Geschichte der Philosophie101 (1): 145-152. DOI:
[2019b]“Review of J.D. Trout’s Wondrous Truths.” Philosophy in Review39 (1): 52-54.
[2019c]“Learning to Understand Quine. Review of Sander Verhaegh’s Working From Within.” MetascienceDOI: 10.1007/s11016-019-00401-5
[2019d]“Review of Kevin C. Elliott’s A Tapestry of Values.”Philosophy in Review. Forthcoming.
[2019e]Review of Kevin A. Morrison: A Micro-History of Victorian Liberal Parenting.” Victorian Review. Forthcoming.
[2019f]“Review of Bruno S. Frey’s Economics of Happiness.” Journal of Economic Methodology. Forthcoming. DOI: 10.1080/1350178X.2019.1589946
[2019g]“Review of The Cambridge Companion to Popper.”KRITERION – Journal of Philosophy.Forthcoming.
[2019h]“Review of Quine’s The Significance of the New Logic.”Organon F. Forthcoming.
[2019i]“Review of Karl Sigmund’s Sie nannten sich der Wiener Kreis and Exact Thinking in Demented Times.” The Berlin Review of Books. Forthcoming.
[2019j]“Review of Lapointe’s and Pincock’sInnovations in the History of Analytical Philosophy.” Philosophy in Review. Forthcoming.
[2019k]“Review of Monika Gruber’s Alfred Tarski and the ’Concept of Truth in Formalized Languages’”. Vienna Circle in Czechoslovakia.Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook. Forthcoming.
[2019l] “Review of William S. Davis’s Romanticism, Hellenism, and the Philosophy of Nature.“ Comparative and Continental Philosophy. Forthcoming.
[2019m]“Review of Sean Morris’s Quine, New Foundations, and the Philosophy of Set Theory.” Filozofia: Journal for Philosophy. Forthcoming.

[2018a]„Review of Aaron Preston’s Analytic Philosophy: An Interpretive History.” Philosophy in Review 38 (1): 36-38.
 [2018b] „Review of Roberto Lalli’s Building the General Relativity and Gravitation Community during the Cold War.” International Philosophical Quarterly58 (4): 457-460.

[2017a]„Kuhn, Kuhn, Kuhn – New Wine into Old Bottles. Review of Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions at Fifty Reflections on a Science Classic.” Journal for General Philosophy of Science48 (4): 601-604. DOI 10.1007/s10838-016-9359-3
[2017b]„Review of Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Science.” Philosophy in Review37 (2): 62-64.
[2017c]„Building a New Picture of Neurath: Review of Groß’s Die Bildpädagogik Otto Neuraths.” Opus et Educatio4 (2): 223-2227.
[2017d]„Unity, (Inter)nationalism, Science. Review of Pursuing the Unity of Science.” The Berlin Review of Books2017/6.
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[2017e]„Review of Borghini’s A Critical Introduction to the Metaphysics of Modality.” Croatian Journal of Philosophy16 (3): 463-465.

[2016a]“From Vienna to Vienna: Europen Philosophy of Science. [Review of Galavotti. Nemeth, Stadler (ed.) European Philosophy of Science.” Science & Education 25 (7): 939-942. DOI: 10.1007/s11191-016-9850-6
[2016b]“Review of Friedrich Stadler’s The Vienna Circle.” Philosophy in Review 36 (1): 26-29.
[2016c]“Review of Quine and His Place in History.” Philosophy in Review 36 (3): 121-123.
[2016d]“Review of Ontology after Carnap.” Philosophy in Review 36 (6): 244-246.
[2016e]“Review of The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism.” Organon F 23 (4): 556-560.
[2016f]“Review of Christian Damböck (ed.) Influences on the Aufbau.” Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy, vol. 19.
[2016g]„Review of Felix Kaufmann’s Theory and Method in the Social Sciences.” The Berlin Review of Books. 2016/5-6.

[2015a]“Normal Science and Normal Kuhn – Review of Kuhn’s Structure of Scientific Revolutions — 50 Years On.” Avant. Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 4 (3): 96-101.
[2015b] “A Classic Statement of Logical Empiricism.” [Review of Eino Kaila’s Human Knowledge].The Berlin Review of Books, January, 2015.
[2015c] “Explicating explication: Carnap’s Ideal.” [Review of Pierre Wagner (eds.) Carnap’s Ideal of Explication and Naturalism].” The Berlin Review of Books

[2014a]“Unifying historical perspectives – Carnap Tarski and Quine at Harvard in 1940-41.” [Review of Frost-Arnold’s Carnap, Tarski and Quine at Harvard – Conversations on Logic, Mathematics and Science]. The Berlin Review of Books.
[2014b]“Metaphilosophy at work – Kripke on reference and existence.” [Review of Kripke’s Reference and Existence]. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy. 17: 221-226.


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